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Talk Louisiana with Jim Engster
Franz Sedelmayer talks about his book, “Welcome to Putingrad.” Sedelmayer is believed to be the only person to win a battle in Russia with Vladimir Putin.
The Source
Franz J Sedelmayer and John Weisman - Welcome To Putingrad
Access WDUN
Franz Sedelmayer is the only indvidual ever to collect money from Vladimir Putin‘s Russia. He shares this experience and a look at the corruption of Putin‘s government in his book „Welcome to Putingrad“.
1320 WILS
Franz Sedelmayer, the author of “Welcome to Putingrad”, speaks with Rich on his memoir, his time in Russia and his precedent-shattering case against President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation.
Author Story with Alexandar Lim
Franz Sedelmayer: The Man Who Knew Vladimir Putin & His Experience Doing Business with Russia
The Halli Casser-Jayne Show
Vladimir Putin, Thomas Jefferson, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, which is the Hottest Head of State?